Monday, March 3, 2025

Build Your Life Upon the Rock

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” –Matthew 7:24

Jesus here describes our lives as building a house. Much care for detail can go into walls, doors, windows, even a staircase. Same in our lives. We can care much for detail as careers, leisures, relationships, and habits. Yet, dark clouds form on the horizon. Will the foundation of the homes we build for ourselves, our lives, hold against the fury of a storm?

Notice our Lord tells us the same storm comes to two different houses. A life built on Christ and His Word is not an escape from trials. Trials come to all of us. The difference is, when trials come to the believer, Christ withstands the might of that trial. A false foundation of sand will not endure the mightiest of trials.

Consider the wisdom of the Lord Jesus in this passage. There are only two options for foundation. There is Christ the Rock, then there is sand. Humanism, Islam, Buddhism, moralism, and all other philosophies and religions are called foundations of sand. They will not withstand the fury of the coming storm which beats against the house.

Consider also this wisdom of our Lord Jesus. He says the house built upon the rock is a life with the foundation of hearing His words and doing them. First, to believe the words of Jesus as mighty and true, as Paul says, we will not be “tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14). There is one teaching that withstands the winds and the waves, the words of Him who can calm them with a word (Mark 4:39).

Second, we are encouraged to obey the words Jesus teaches. Jesus is not making hearers only, but disciples. The disciple of Jesus builds his house, or his life, on the foundation of His words. Dear reader, the storm is sent by God. Only God’s words can withstand God’s sent storms. All other foundations are invented in the imaginations of men, either contemporary or historic. We are not to build our lives on the foundations of sand on the words men dead or dying, but on Christ who has the “words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Perhaps the home builder can hear Jesus’ words, put Christian décor on the nightstand and Scripture quotes on the walls while the foundation remains sand. Could this house withstand the fury of the storm? My pastoral concern in my teaching and my preaching is to proclaim the faith once delivered to all the saints. That those in my hearing who have publicly professed faith in Jesus Christ truly possess the faith they publicly profess.

Character is not found in a fine house, its architecture or décor. Character comes from its foundation. By faith in Christ’s might, His obedience to the Father through temptations and suffering, God’s grace in the atonement of Jesus’ blood, we will weather the coming fury of God’s wrathful storm. On that day, “great will be the fall” of all humanity has invented to save us from God’s judgment.

Consider how the Sermon on the Mount ends with the astonishment of Jesus’ hearers. Jesus did not teach like the scribes; quoting, name-dropping, trying to sound profound with reputable figures and teachings of others. Jesus taught as having an authority far above and beyond human counsel. Jesus teaches us eternal words never fading in beauty (Isaiah 40:8). Trustworthy words of life.

Jesus does not promise that if you hear and obey His words you will never face storms. The storms which greatly beat against a house built on the Rock is scary, but your house, your life, will not fall greatly if you believe upon the Lord Jesus. Listen to the words of Jesus and wisely build your house on the Rock of His eternal words and live.

Heavenly Father, give us discernment to reject words of sand foundation and ears to hear the voice of our Good Shepherd whose words form a rock foundation to weather storms, hearing the heavenly voice speaks words of life drawing us heavenward. Grant us wisdom to hold fast to Your Scripture in the face of all the opinions of humanity, and lead us O Lord to the eternal joy and peace with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.