Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This Noble Task

“The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.” –I Timothy 3:1

As a church family, we will be ordaining Dan Bauer into gospel ministry as a pastor. Also, this year marks 15 years I have been in pastoral ministry. This has me reflecting on God’s Word and the great privilege of being an elder in the church of our Good Shepherd.

As a pastor, I have the unique invitation to witness closely the mighty works of Jesus Christ in the lives under my care. Lost souls saved, marriages and friendships strengthened, trials overcome, and the ordinary pattern of church life and growth in the church. To be a pastor close up in the lives of Christ’s sheep truly is a noble task.

Yet, that intimacy is shared in the church as a family. The “one another” passages of the local church draws people from all walks of life into intimacy not found in the world. A privilege and joy is found being close witnesses to Christ’s work in the lives of folks near us in a local church. Only in such closeness with great compassion can the great practice of theology, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:15-16a).

Christ the Chief Shepherd gives to His sheep elders entrusted with the noble task to nourish and guide a church to love and to serve one another with enjoyed closeness. Pastors, deacons, and the church together are equipped to the task of “building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).

Think about what a joy and privilege you enjoy as a mercy of Christ in your local church. Whatever He has tasked you with, Christ has given and equipped you for His sheep and for His glory. The Christian involved in a local church sits on the front row of the theater of God’s works of power and love in the lives of His children around you. And they observe and rejoice in His works they have the joy and privilege to see in you.

As I reflect in my own past of this noble task the Lord has charged me with as a pastor as well as look what is ahead, I think about the word “equip.” Christ charges us to our labors in His church, and He equips us for every good work. The pastors strive to improve on skills as does every member of the church. Skills to love and to serve. Skills to being mature disciples and better friends. Skills to being better disciple-makers and evangelists. We do this together.

The Lord raises new elders and equips them to grow. The Lord adds members and equips each of His children by His Holy Spirit to mature. Are you committed to grow and be more useful as a servant in the church of Jesus Christ? We are invited into a gathering with care for one another’s holiness and encouragement to persevere in this life as we journey heavenward.

If you are reading this and you are not committed to such spiritual health for yourself and for a local church, I encourage you to join us at Allison Avenue Baptist Church Sundays at 9:30AM and Wednesdays at 6:30PM. Study Scripture, that is the Word of God, with us. Come witness with us the mighty works of God in each of us that in our gathering we praise God enthusiastically in the congregation and the council of elders (Psalm 107:32).

Heavenly Father, we rejoice in what You have invited us to witness. Your works of grace in the lives of others in Jesus Christ. You are mighty and compassionate, maturing and strengthening Your people to care for and encourage one another in the faith as well as proclaiming Your good news of salvation in Christ to the lost. You are good and You are mighty, worthy of great praise. Amen.